Menko Darmin Tak Sabar Tunggu Keputusan Fed Rate

Menteri Koordinator Bidang Perekonomian Darmin Nasution meminta bank sentral Amerika Serikat atau The Federal Reserve segera menetapkan suku bunga acuan (Fed Rate) terbaru. Menurutnya, apa pun keputusan yang diambil Janet Yellen dan kawan-kawan akan semakin memberi kepastian bagi negara-negara lain di dunia termasuk Indonesia dalam membuat perencanaan ekonomi tahun depan.

“Buat Indonesia sebenarnya, lebih baik lakukan lah (keputusan terkait suku bunga). Ekonomi Indonesia, terutama nilai tukar kita sudah terlalu tinggi dari fundamentalnya karena spekulasi menunggu ini terus,” ujar Darmin di Istana Kepresidenan, Jakarta, Kamis (17/9).

Darmin menilai jika Yellen memutuskan untuk menaikkan suku bunga bank sentral yang dipimpinnya, bukan berarti hal tersebut merupakan angin positif bagi perekonomian Indonesia.

“Tetapi kalau dinaikkan, maka akan tercipta kesempatan bagi semua untuk melakukan penyesuaian. Sehingga nilai tukar kita, tekanan akibat spekulasi jadi mereda dan nilai tukar bergerak ke fundamentalnya,” kata Mantan Kepala Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) tersebut.

Menurut Darmin kalaupun The Fed benar-benar menaikkan suku bunga yang berpotensi menarik investasi masuk ke negara Barrack Obama, toh hal tersebut sudah terjadi dalam beberapa bulan terakhir.

“Orang pun sudah memprediksi ini akan terjadi dan sudah terjadi beberapa bulan. Mungkin masih ada lagi yang investasi kesana, tapi tidak akan besar. Pesan saya, jangan anggap ini momok karena hal itu sudah diprediksi,” ujarnya.

Fabulous Home Interior Design in Cool to Crazy by Steampunk

Designing and decorating home interior design need some attention to make the result as fabulous. As here, we are coming with cool to crazy home interior ideas that lead to some fabulous styles.

lthough usually when we think about Steampunk we will remind about closet designs, here are some concept referred to Steampunk leading to great and fabulous home design. How is the style? Check it here!

Trying to get more fabulous design by Steampunk, here are some pictures following the details. The existence of Steampunk home interior design and decoration will give more ideas in decorating the home interior. As we look at the design of this interior design, they make it in great elegant style by accomplishing brown elegances. The nuance of the room is designed in grey flooring and brown wooden wall design. They apply the furniture of singular silver leather sofas in high arm and place it in the left side. While the right side, they apply elegant brown leather long sofa. Each sofa has their own table in antique table style with a candle on the table. Towards to the next stair, there is an elegant room with sofa and counter application. The elegant and fabulous styles offered by that rooms added also by existence of the lighting system included the long chandeliers behind the sofas, on the ceiling, and lighting on the counter space.

In according to the other room nuance of application and decoration, there is a high room that is designed in classic and cutting edge style including room design for fairytale. They design the fireplace in rough material design and wall background. In front of the fireplace, they apply gold leather sofas with long bench as table. The lighting got comes from the lighting system on the table bench and nice spotlights on the ceiling included spotlights upper the fireplace. Some other chandelier is applied upper the sink vanity in which they apply two sink vanity with stainless steel construction. There is also a great bath up that is constructed by combination of porcelain, wooden, and stainless steel faucet.

Cutting Edge Home Furniture and Technology at Future

Today, the technology is fast forward and there are many kinds of applications of home furniture and technology that can accommodate the decoration. Here are some products and decorations that are predicted by a Product and Interior designer. We will face a cutting edge home decoration and technology. This can be a new phenomenon in delivering greater and newer ideas.

Related to the details of the product and combination, here are some photos including in this article. Home furniture and technology can be found in some well-matched application of the future technology and the furniture included. The furniture can be adapted appropriate to the kind of the technology. As here in the first example, we will find a black gadget can be placed on the one collaboration with yellow circular stool and place it in the lining hollow become one united style. When we want to place some television set completed with the DVD player and others, we can use cupboard that are available. In this case, a brown cupboard with some opened drawer place to get some electronic applied in the drawers. Then, we can apply the television on the cupboard.

In other cases, unique and new furniture can also be applied to make the style different. They apply small wooden racks in brown and it is designed as cutting edge with no counter. In each shelf, they apply some books or ornaments and they also put a desk at middle. A stainless steel table lamp is appropriate to be placed on the desktop. If we are looking for new ideas to place television and its set, we can use thick plastic counter on the floor. It will be short counter that make the room different. The counter is designed with small wheel in each side. It is very enchanting to get look for the electronic lamps shining the sets. They are decorated in orange and white short standing lamps on the wooden floor.

The other styles of the combination furniture and the technology are following here. The related home furniture and technology combination can be great and cutting edge collaboration that will lead to new ideas.

Climbing Plants as Decorative Ideas for Fresh Contemporary House Interior

Probably what are you looking for is at this house, the fresh contemporary house designed with climbing plants and made by Australian Architectural Firm Cox Rayner Architects with its beautiful environment and comfortable living space. The house is collaborated with nature elements in order to get the fresh environment. That is why we can find some flowers and trees around of the house.

The contemporary house design has climbing plants wall and dark front wall, where it looks little bit strange with its unconventional texture. Moreover, some dark glass wall makes the house looks elegant with its arrogant. Some solar panels as the windows ensure to give the warm feeling inside of the house. Going inside, we can find the beautiful house with nature elements for the interior. Many wood materials are used to build this house. Moreover, it makes this house looks so good.

This house is built in small narrow lot which is optimizing the space for the living space. So, minimalist design for the interior appears in this house. For the living room, it is designed in simple way by giving simple chairs and wooden table. With its dark floor tile, this house can makes the minimalist room feels larger. It is very good, especially by giving the outdoor space for this room comes inside. So, the collaborating is between indoor and outdoor space.

Going deep inside, we get more interesting touch of beautiful wall. It is very good with the best atmosphere that produces from the gold color of the wood. It is more perfect where the lighting shines the room. The room looks so exclusive and elegant. In the other room, dark long sofa for having chit chat with family is very good, especially with the opened living room concept. The ceiling is made from wood; it is beautiful enough to make the room looks more beautiful. This contemporary house design ideas which apply climbing plants for pergola is very good for giving the comfortable living space.

Amazing Beverly Hillside Residence at 1060 Woodland Drive

The existence of hillside residence in Beverly hill residence adds the hill nuance becomes more graceful. There are many kinds of residence that can be found in that hill. As here, we are going to take a look at a Beverly hill residence at 1060 Woodland Drive. This residence is designed in amazing style included the exterior and interior design and also the furniture.

As what we are going to look, here are some pictures following the details. The hillside residence design and decoration in this case give a contemporary residence style with natural greenery styles. As we see on the terrace design, the views look so enchanting. Trapezoid swimming pool is applied in the terrace with concrete balcony with some wooden lounge chairs facing the pool. They also apply some palms and trees on the terrace. Going to the living room, the look is very elegant in the white background included flooring to top design. The furniture applied is white sofas in two sides and two wooden couch sofas combination and a short modern table existed in the middle. In front of the furniture, there place a concrete fireplace and a television on the concrete counter. From the living room, we can still enjoy the outside views through glasses façade.

Looking more at this residence decoration, we are going to get look at the balcony. The balcony is designed in wooden floor in hard ram and it is open up area with greenery scenery surrounding. The furniture used is sets of sofas with wooden couch with short white bench table on the grey rug. In some other seats, they also combine the wooden table with crafted rattan chairs in antique décor. From that place we can enjoy how wonderful views outside included the way and gardening systems with greenery and concrete walkways. There are still many rooms that are designed in amazing interior home design. Some of them are designed on the white ceramic floor and enchanting ceiling with straight line lighting included some furniture made of wood or stainless steels.

When we are looking at the other room design of this Beverly residence, we will get more inspiring ideas. Hillside residencedesign and decoration concept is really a great concept to build a contemporary residence at hillside.

Adjustable Bed Frame for Modern Cottage Bedroom Idea

If you like gardening, then you would spend your time in outdoor space, and then we recommend you for this beautiful modern cottage with adjustable bed frame to accompany your activity. This cottage is designed in minimalist concept. So, it has a living room with the outdoor space. You may see how beautiful and smart the concept, which is perfectly appear in beautiful house.

This house has designed by Italian Architect Daniele Manichini. It was completed last year with the large is about 678 square foot modern house. It was built for having the environmentally atmosphere. That is why?We can find the nature elements in this house. Moreover, some rooms are collaborated with the outdoor space. This sort of modern cottage plans which is designed with metal adjustable bed frame for the bedroom interior is very interesting.

Green grass around and some trees make this house looks so fresh especially with the wooden wall and glass wall. The owner gets chance to enjoy the environment from inside. Moreover, we are welcomed by the small terrace with beautiful pillars. The pillars are clustery placed. It makes the terrace looks strange but unique. Meanwhile for the chairs and table, it is so simple but looks elegant. It is only such as box with black side and white for the upside. It looks so simple but beautiful.

Going inside of this room, modern concept of this room appears perfectly with beautiful palette. The room looks so beautiful with bright and charming concept. The floor is designed in beautiful wooden floor, while for the curtain and wall, it has some colors. The walls is sliding glass wall, it makes the owner easy to change the room to be outdoor space relaxation. Moreover, this house also has master bedroom and bathroom in minimalist concept too. So, we can get the real live also here with the beautiful environment around and amazing modern cottage house plans with adjustable bed frame legs from the great architecture.